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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Application of Radio Engineering Device in the Technician of Communication with Automatic Space Vehicles
B.A. Prigoda, V.F. Kogan
The History of the development radio mechanics and, in particular, antenna feeder device, indissoluble is connected with names Russian scientist, inserted paradises of the bright pages in this history, which the first page was open A.S. Popovym in 1895 - Invention device, allowing on distance to take unassisted information a wire, The Past thereafter time is characterized development radio mechanics, both with standpoint of the circuital equipment, and antenna buildings to different design. At present known big amount different antenna device, capable to form in space field radiations and realize the varied types of the transceiving radiowave. In general type these radiating device in the manner of conductor of the certain form - linear, zigzag and fiat curly in the manner of параболоидов different konstrukcii. In using to cosmic technology is of great importance location of the named antennas for body of the cosmic device. In the first place this pertains to degree незаметности bodies antenna for body kosmicheskogo device. Here not last importance has as reception of the necessary electric factors: gain factor, width of the diagram to directivities, level of the cosmic device. That is to say questions of the heat balance play the important role at account of the influence of the external environments on cosmic device. Here, the important role plays use special material, differing minimum gabaritno-mass factor. This such material, as glass, ceramic and others. For development antenna device necessary to have as well as stand equipment, allowing realize test the antennas in condition greatly drawn near to real condition of the use. It is cited an instance field stand device, allowing conduct overland test antenna device in composition of the cosmic device. The similar stands is calculated on undertaking all type electric test the antennas and realize the choise of the final arrangement them in composition of the real desigh of the device.
Pages: 39-49
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