A.V. Smirnov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math), Senior Research Scientist,
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: andre-smirnov-v@yandex.ru
I.E. Kuznetsova – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math), Principal Research Scientist,
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: kuziren@yandex.ru
Problem formulating. The response of the resistive gas sensor appears due to the fact that upon adsorption on the surface of the semiconductor layer of particles that can capture charge carriers from the volume, the resistance of the layer changes. The magnitude of the response depends on the ratio of surface area to volume. The process of growth of a semiconductor film and the formation of the morphology of its surface can be divided into two stages. The first stage of film formation is nucleation. The second stage is germination of the embryos. The separation of these stages technologically makes it possible to control the properties of the formed film.
Goal. Clarification of the possibility of controlling the density and size of the embryos at the first stage of formation by ion stimulation during the growth of the islet tin film.
Result. When processing during deposition of an island tin film by a stream of atomizing atoms and molecules with a low atomization coefficient, but with a high flux density (compared to the particle flux density of the deposited substance), the effect of reducing the size dispersion of the islands of the deposited substance is observed.
Practical meaning. Controlling the size of the nuclei at the first stage allows one to control the grain size, density and porosity of the film obtained at the second stage of formation, and, therefore, to change the ratio of the surface area of the film to its volume, as well as the electrophysical and gas-sensitive properties, depending on this ratio.
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- Decik V.N. i dr. Kinetika nachal'noj stadii fazovogo perekhoda pervogo roda v tonkih plenkah. Fizika tverdogo tela. 1997. T. 39. № 1. S. 121−126.