350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Application of the divergent method to the stability analysis of the nonlinear model of population dynamics
E.D. Tarova - Post-graduate Student, Elets State University named after I.A. Bunin
E-mail: katerina.tarova@yandex.ru
The work is devoted to the stability analysis of nonlinear model of population dynamics «predator-predator-prey-prey». Stability re-search is carried out by the divergent method. The sufficient conditions of uniform stability of equilibrium states are offered. The analysis of stability of the population model described by the nonlinear differential equations allows to study stability of the equilibrium states of systems on the basis of divergence properties of vector fields determined by the right parts of the corresponding equations. The results can be used at the solving of stability problems for ecological equations.
Pages: 59-64
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