350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Eigenoscopy in the problem of processing electrocardiographic signals
synchronous ensemble
dispersion mapping
information storage and compression
Al Barati Baker Saleh - Post-graduate Student of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology Department, Vladimir State University. E-mail: dear1man@mail.ru
V.V. Isakevich - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Means and Technologies; Department of General and Applied Physics, Vladimir State University. E-mail: eigenvector@yandex.ru
D.V. Isakevich - Research Engineer, Department of General and Applied Physics, Vladimir State University. E-mail: voiceofhope@yandex.ru
L.T. Sushkova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and technology Department, Vladimir state university. E-mail: ludm@vlsu.ru
From the point of view of signal theory the method of dispersion mapping brings an information loss. The dispersion map does not contain information about synchronous ensemble inner structure. The best characteristics of ECG representation on finite length time span are achieved by the cardioeigenoscopy method which is patented as an utility model. The cardioeigenoscopy method is a new approach which allows one to compress ECG almost without information loss.
The notation of Dirac is used to describe this new method. The polarization equation for ECG ensemble is derived. The hypothesis that ECG is formed as a result of electrical activity of cells ensemble is proposed. The proposed quantum mechanic approach allows one to judge about the probabilities of different (patologic for example) changes in ECG and also to effectively compress information during ECG storage and analysis. The use of the proposed approach allows one to compress more than 100 million ECG records to 1 Tb of storage volume. ECG may be approximately restored from the compressed form with the error of 1% and is capable for further analysis by any method.
Pages: 68-75
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