350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The common cause of Einstein-s and Doppler-s effects
space of Minkowski
the world line
isotropic 4-vector of energy
isotropic vectors and transformation of their coordinates
А.А. Sazanov
The notion of the world line, put forward by Hermann Minkowski, became the principal object of study both in special and general relativity theories. The fact of gravitation phenomenon being nonlinear manifests in curving world lines by the field of gravity. From the Newton-s law of gravitation, corrected by relativistic expression of acceleration observed, it has been deduced (in another article) equation of the world line, corresponding to free falling of the body from infinity in spherically symmetric gravitation field. This equation points to existence of Schwarzschild radius as the limit of approaching to the source of gravity.
This interesting result induces to pay attention to nonlinear properly Riemann hypersurface (three-dimensional in four-dimensional space of Minkowski), which intersects with every plane, containing the world line of the source of gravitation (taken for the axis OW), over the curved line, keeping its form invariable while being progressively transferred in direction OW, and satisfying condition of perpendicularity (pseudo-orthogonality) to the world line of free falling in every point of intersection with the latter. Such hypersurface was named the «displaying front» by the author, considering it as argument in favor of proposed by him 25 years ago idea of the process of displaying (forming, lengthening) of all world lines, perceived by us as the course of the time according to basic equality of Minkowski w = c t, where t is the time. The physical reality of nonlinear displaying front reveals itself in existence of the angle between the normals to it in the points of emitting and receiving the electromagnetic radiation, that excellently accounts for effect of gravitational decreasing of frequency for stars emission, having in essence the same cause as Doppler-s effect. In influence of local curvature of displaying front upon the direction of forming the world lines we may see the cause of approaching of bodies to the source of gravitation in strict accordance with corrected Newton-s law of gravity.
Pages: 255-269
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