350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The investigation of stability of some classes of distributed systems
O.V. Druzhinina, V.I. Afanasyeva
The notion of stability within the studied mathematical model of mechanical or physical system greatly depends on the metric of the phase space. The question of change of the character of motion stability in two norms if one of them is fixed while the other is changes is studied in the paper. The essence of obtained results consists in the following: the property of two norms stability is improved by enhancing the first and weakening the second. The theorem concerning two metrics stability of the equilibrium state of the linear distributed system is proved. Two metrics instability of the equilibrium state of that system is investigated. The main methods of investigation are the methods of stability theory and qualitative theory of differential equations. The results may be used in problem solving of distributed systems stability.
Pages: 554-562
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