350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Reception of movement invariants of resonant nonlinear parametrical zone system lost-free at weak and strong nonlinearity
the nonlinear resonator
conservative oscillatory system
mathematical model
nonlinear parametrical zone system
parametric resonance
zones of instability of oscillations
movement invariants of system
rigid and soft nonlinear systems
L.V. Cherckesova
Basis of quantum electronic equipment are the nonlinear resonators representing special type of oscillatory systems. Such resonator represents nonlinear parametrical zone system (NPS) with variable reactance, with big intensity of modulation of power-consuming parameter, inductive or capacious type.
For the theory and practice of modern radio electronics represents considerable interest the reception and the analysis of movement invariants of conservative NPS, connecting amplitude and a phase of oscillations of system, at weak and strong nonlinearity. It allows to find out, how degree and type of nonlinearity of system influences on amplitude of parametrical raised fluctuations of the resonator.
In article are received and analyzed the movement invariants of conservative NPS at the weak and strong nonlinearity, connecting amplitude and a phase of oscillations of system for first four zones of instability of fluctuations. It is found out that nonlinearity presence leads to amplitude restriction of parametrical raised oscillations than more, that is more the degree of system nonlinearity. At presence even weak nonlinearity of parametrical system does not occur the unlimited increase of oscillations. Property inherent in nonlinear systems - non-isochronity, at which frequencies of the basic and the higher harmonics of oscillations of system depend from amplitude, with growth of amplitude of oscillations leads to infringement of demanded frequency and phase parities. Thus there is a termination of an investment of energy in system from outside the mechanism changing parameter. Consequently, it leads to an establishment of the certain, limited amplitude of compelled oscillations of NPS.
Pages: 537-544
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