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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Numerical Solution of Coefficient Inverse Problem for One-Dimensional Distributed Transducer of Temperature
P.G. Danilaev, E.R. Faithrachmanov
The one dimensional distributed transducer of temperature was engineered by Evdokimov Yu.K., he suggested its mathematical model too. The problem of the mathematical processing of measurement-s results, obtained with one-dimensional distributed sensor, is considered in the paper. The mathematical model is the coefficient inverse problem for parabolic type equation with one space variable. It involves three unknown varying coefficients depending on space variable only. Unknown temperature definition can be determined with calculated one of the equation coefficients, the per meter run of resistance, using the sensitivity equation. The problem statement includes elements, which can be explained as the over-determined problem assumed data. The main algorithm-s idea is to use all data, which can be received with measurements. So the given approach can be named as the descriptive regularization. The solution algorithm consists of two steps. The first step is to solve the problem of the voltage distribution approximation using over-determined data. Fredholm integral equation of the first type is used for that. The coefficient inverse problem is solved then. Its statement is based on the well known procedure of observation results processing, allowing reducing the problem to the solving of algebraic equations system. It can be named as the simply "engineering" approach. The traditional method of optimization with regularization was used before to solve the problem. Results of calculations made with the present algorithm are compared with that solution results. The conclusion is made: the using of all over-determined data offers to receive the solution, which is more resistant to error value of initial data measurements
Pages: 335
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