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Journal Nonlinear World №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Physics, Existence and Fusion of Cluster Structures of Coupled Dynamical Systems
N.N. Verichev
A theory of cluster structures in lattices of oscillators is proposed. The theory is based on a classical synchronization of cluster forming and structure forming objects called as cluster oscillators and simple cells. Both are governed by systems of coupled oscillators and are physically interpreted as generalized oscillators. A physical nature of cluster structures as a synchronization of generalized oscillators is shown. A type of C-oscillator determines the class of structures so the problem of existence of the different classes is reduced to study of existence of the different types of C-oscillators. The fullness of types of C-oscillators and simple cells in a chain, ring and two-dimensional lattice is established. The general properties of cluster structures and principles of the fusion of lattices of different geometrical forms having prescribed cluster properties are presented
Pages: 28
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