350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Conception of Quasi-Particles in Turbulenсe
A.A. Abrashkin
For the first time the conception of quasi-particles is proposed for turbulent flows. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the wave approach is developed to the description of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. We study the propagation of linear waves on the uniform current following to fundamental papers of O.V. Troshkin. The system of two semi-empirical equations for average velocity and Reynolds strains are solved taking account of the relaxation of turbulent perturbations. The dispersion relation is calculated. The analogy between equations for the perturbations of average hydrodynamic fields and Maxwell-s equations is discussed. On the basis of this analogy a new quasi-particle is introduced. We named it turbulon. This one corresponds to elementary perturbation of average hydrodynamic fields. Dispersion relation for turbulons coincides with the dispersion relation of hypothetical wave packets which were postulated by G. Tennekes for the proof of Kolmogorov-s law. In the second part new point of view on the nature of laminar-turbulent transition is proposed. The universality of turbulons is established. It is considered that the origin of turbulence is connected with the arising of turbulons. The model of turbulon is discussed according to Frenkel-s kinetic theory of fluids. The discontinuity or the hole with the scale of order of interatomic length can play the role of such quasi-particle. It moves as unit and doesn-t fail during some time. The hypothesis about the connection of turbulent pulsations with the existence coherent perturbations of fluid (or gas) density on the scale much smaller than the scale of hydrodynamic description is formulated
Pages: 3
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