M.V. Markitantov – Junior Research Scientist,
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
A.A. Karpov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Main Research Scientist,
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
In a daily communication, people use not only verbal (speech, text, etc.), but also non-verbal (paralinguistic, gesture, etc.) sources of information. The later may contain such speaker characteristics as his/her psycho-emotional state, age, gender, presence of a disease condition and other personal parameters reflecting current speaker state. Without a direct contact with a client (user), paralinguistic information may turn out useful for rendering certain services over the Internet. Automatic speaker age recognition is necessary for various applications, such as speaker identification and verification systems, call-centers, healthcare, target marketing, and in particular, human-computer interaction. Also, automatic speaker age recognition system may prove useful for medico-legal purposes, for example, to narrow down the list of suspects when speech samples are available. Other commercial use cases for speaker age recognition include smart rooms and houses, vehicle assistants capable of adaptation to target user needs. This article deals with a novel approach in the paralinguistic field of age and gender recognition by speaker’s voice based on deep neural networks. It gives an analysis of existing systems of speaker’s age and gender recognition, analysis of speech corpora, main features used in this field and toolboxes for their extraction. Study shows that various researches have been done on extracting acoustic features and developing classifiers for automatic speaker age recognition, but none achieves a satisfactory performance. Much attention is given to the novel approach for automatic speaker’s age and gender recognition. The training and testing of proposed methods were implemented on the German speech corpus aGender. The proposed approach bases different network topologies, including neural networks with fully-connected and convolutional layers. In a joint recognition of speaker age and gender, proposed approach reached the recognition performance measured as unweighted accuracy of 48.41%. In a separate age and gender recognition setup, the obtained performance was 57.53% and 88.80%, respectively.
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