I.B. Komkov1, N.V. Panov2, N.A. Loginova3
1 Sports Club “KANKU” (Moscow, Russia)
2,3 Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS (Moscow, Russia)
An attempt to describe the supraorganizational system from the point of view of a biological object – a neural network is considered. Five types of interaction of an individual with it are described.
In turn, this led to the identification of the so-called matrix of consciousness of the system, the activation of which depends entirely on the motivational state of the individual. This matrix contains specific elements of information that are intermediaries between the system as an immaterial substance and the individual's brain, which is a material substrate. These are informational elements of the system's consciousness, when interacting with which an individual becomes part of the system not through copying this element, but through the rule of its construction, which makes it possible for an individualized approach to interacting with the system. As a result, the individual acquires properties with which he can influence the recipient.
Thus, an individual becomes an individualized personality, a carrier of the system, which is necessary for its implementation in society in order to recruit a critical number of carriers, at which a paradigm shift will occur. In this case, there will be the formation of separate, information-protected infrastructural biotechnical units RBGI-1 and RBGS-1, capable of constructing a previously non-existent algorithm, depending on the range of the situation.
This matrix of consciousness creates and maintains inter-element consistency in the system, which is the opposite of such concepts as the superiority of some elements over others.
Komkov I.B., Panov N.V., Loginova N.A. Neurophysiological aspects of an individual’s interaction with supraorganizational systems. Neurocomputers. 2022. V. 24. № 6. Р. 46-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998554-202206-05 (In Russian)
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