Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Solving non-standard problems by a computer system
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.8

A.N. Orekhov

Fund for assistance to the creation and implementation of the computer psyche (Moscow, Russia)


On the one hand, modern psychology presents a wide range of opinions from the complete denial of the possibility of an adequate theoretical description of the mental in mathematical terms to the recognition of the timeliness and even inevitability of such a description. On the other hand, many developers of traditional AI, i.e. systems based on rules, as well as systems based on deep learning networks of artificial neurons, and their various hybrids either use, most often subconsciously, the most primitive psychological concepts, or believe that they do not need psychological knowledge at all. Therefore, the problem consists of two interrelated parts. The first is whether it is possible to create algorithms of human thinking that are adequate to the facts known in psychology on the basis of the general theory of the psyche, which widely uses the mathematical apparatus. The second is whether it is possible to create a computer system based on these algorithms that can solve the most difficult (non-standard) problems in different fields of knowledge, using what most researchers refer to as "common sense".

The goal of the article is to create a computer system capable of solving non-standard problems in natural Russian, using algorithms of human thinking and check its basic parameters.

AlNikOr – computer system is created. AlNikOr can solve non-standard problems in natural Russian, using algorithms of human thinking. Its efficiency is shown by the example of solving a non-standard problem in physics.

Computer systems based on AlNikOr can be used to solve real non-standard problems in various fields of science and technology.

Pages: 43-62
For citation

Orekhov A.N. Solving non-standard problems by a computer system. Neurocomputers. 2021. V. 23. № 3. Р. 44−63.  DOI: (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 28.04.2021
Approved after review: 11.05.2021
Accepted for publication: 25.05.2021