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Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
The method of sections of the environment of radicals
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-202003-06
UDC: 004.89

A.A. Gubanov – Mathematician of the 1st cat., NPO Lavochkin (Moscow Region)

E-mail: polvad@laspace.ru

M.V. Pirogov – Ph.D. (Phis.–Math.), Engineer of the 2nd cat., NPO Lavochkin (Moscow Region)

E-mail: pmv_mvp@mail.ru

V.V. Rozhkov – Leading Mathematician, NPO Lavochkin (Moscow Region)

E-mail: polvad@laspace.ru


Complex targeted systems are characterized not only by significant achievements, but also by significant shortcomings. A new approach to targeted systems is needed to address these shortcomings. It seems that a uniform mathematical standardization is needed and, in the future, the intellectualization of the problem area of targeted systems. The basis of mathematical standardization should be a radical modeling method. A radical is a mathematical object that can have two types of states – active (working) and passive. The method of radical modeling uses a special model of the problem area of a complex focused system – the environment of radicals. The universal language of radical schemes RADICAL is used to represent the environment of radicals.

A complex targeted system should be considered as an automated system having such types of support as organizational, methodological, technical, mathematical, software, information, linguistic, legal and ergonomic. Financial support is also needed. The life cycle of an automated targeted system should be considered as the process of creating and modifying the corresponding components, which should be represented using radical schemes. For example, this is how databases and their tables should be presented – components of information support. RADICAL uses various kinds of representations of radical schemes.

To work in an environment of radicals, the section method is used. That is, to solve the tasks of targeted systems, various parts of the corresponding medium of radicals are used – sections of the environment of radicals, which must be consistent with each other. The following sections are especially important for information and software for targeted systems.

SECTION OF TASK contains radicals to represent subsystems of targeted systems and the tasks they solve; data used in solving these problems.

SECTION OF DATA. The basis for highlighting these sections is information support. Sections contain radicals: databases; their tables and table fields; data files.

«SOFTWARE» SECTIONS. They are based on software and combine such radicals as program files, program classes, .exe files and their events, instances of classes and their activated functions

There is considerable experience in the practical application of radical modeling and the method of sections of the environment of radicals. These tools have been successfully used to analyze the problem area of a complex targeted system and develop application software.

It can be argued about the effectiveness and prospects of the proposed approach, based on the method of radical modeling, the method of sections of the environment of radicals and aimed at avoiding semantic errors, supporting the development of software.

Pages: 56-84
For citation

Gubanov A.A., Pirogov M.V., Rozhkov V.V. The method of sections of the environment of radicals. Neurocomputers. 2020. V. 22. № 3. P. 56–68. DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-202003-06

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Date of receipt: 17 марта 2020 г.