A.V. Savelyev – Ph.D. (Philos.), Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov; Chief Engineer for Quality Management at VMZ at the Military Register SDS
E-mail: gmkristo@yandex.ru
Problem statement: recently, the scientific fashion begins to turn to the description of the prospects of robotic complexes and systems. This is justified, given the goals and objectives of modern robotics. Basically, they boil down to two areas: medical rehabilitation and military. Medical rehabilitation direction involves the creation of artificial sensory prostheses, set in motion by their own voluntary human movements using bioelectric control, and various devices such as skeletons to restore the locomotor functions of the body. The development of robotic exoskeleton devices designed to enhance the physical capabilities of a soldier — such as speed of movement, carrying capacity, endurance, and protection from bullets and fragments — usually refers to the military direction. Also here can be attributed robots for mine clearance and all drones. It is obvious that the first in the world walking apparatus of P. L. Chebyshev, which turns the rotational movement into a walking world, was a great success at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878. In the USSR in the 1960s for the first time in the world, a cyborg robot was created (the project “Collie”), which is a hybrid autonomous device, controlled by a lively head of a dog, equipped with a life support system.
The aim of the work is to provide a brief overview and analysis of the history, tasks and current state of exoskeleton robots, as well as to present some of the results of our developments concerning the collective interaction of exoskeletons at the neuromechanical level.
Results: we have developed a series of medical and rehabilitation, as well as combat and sports exoskeleton protected by a patent for an invention RU2118147. One of the significant differences from all existing exoskeletons was the designed ability to move a person in a skeleton in a sitting position. The devices assumed the presence of a seat 9, but although the user sat on it, nevertheless remained in a standing position, like the first bicycles moving by pushing off the ground with their feet. The invention also patented the fact that it is not yet used and for which there are no analogues in the world, namely, collective interaction [13] of exoskeletons, moreover, not by means of electrical or electromagnetic connections, necessarily assuming the presence of servomotors (although it is possible), but in the simplest the case, using mechanical connections, using the energy of the human neurocarriers.
Practical significance: the considered technical solution and the general concept of cooperative robotics in relation to exoskeleton compared with the known ones have a number of the following advantages: significantly greater operational capabilities due to the communicative interaction of exoskeletons between themselves [14], connected in the proposed way, allowing to unload the weight of a person and the carried goods and reduce the effort spent on resistance to this weight when stationary, as well as in the dynamics when walking; in addition, in the individual exoskeleton it becomes possible to move a person in a sitting position, not excluding his simultaneous pacing movements, as during normal walking; significantly shorter periods of treatment and training in the restoration of therapy and learning to walk by reproducing by the learner the direct movements of the trainer without modeling it; the main thing is a much higher accuracy [15] of movement transfer to the trainees during rehabilitation therapy
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