350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the influence of bio-acoustic correction on intellectual performance
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-201904-06
UDC: 616.891.6:615.837; 621.25.07.99 + 616.711-002-07

M.K. Leonova – Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Experimental Medicine (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: leomara89@mail.ru


Problem statement: recently, the load on the cognitive sphere of a person has been constantly increasing, especially because of the growing role of information technology in the era of a developing information society. This determines the importance of research aimed at identifying factors affecting mental performance, in particular, intellectual work specialists. Moreover, in view of the expansion of the diversity of information loads, it is necessary to introduce the concept of “information hygiene”, which would reflect not only the quantitative component of the costs of mental labor, but also the qualitative component, determined by the heterogeneity of the composition of cognitive loads.

The aim of the work: assessment and analysis of the applicability of bioacoustic correction procedures for information hygiene of intellectual labor and labor, which contains an increased intellectual component, as well as a study of the degree of neuroinformation hygiene according to indicators of psychological tests and bioelectric activity of the brain in workers of various professions.

Results: Using a neurocomputer algorithm, it is converted in real time into musical sounds, coordinated with the current EEG, and translated back into a human auditory perception system. The degree of information hygiene was assessed by indicators of psychological tests and bioelectric activity of the brain in workers of various groups of professions according to J. Holland. It was reliably established that the “own EEG” obtained in real time is more comfortable and effective for bioacoustic exposure in order to normalize and improve mental performance. Testing and neurocomputer calculation of attention parameters revealed a differentiated increase in functional activity in accordance with the functional specialization of the brain region with which the dependence of the sounds presented was established. After listening to sounds correlated with the left temporal lead, the parameters of attention to oral tests improve. After listening to sounds correlated with the right temporal lead, the attention settings for image tests are improved. The most significant results were obtained when testing the dynamic characteristics of attention. Evaluation of the dynamics of the reaction time for successive periods of time of the tests showed that the greatest efficiency is observed in relation to those attention tasks, the fulfillment of which corresponds to the functional specialization of brain regions whose bioelectric activity corresponded to translated sounds.

Practical significance: the results of the research show the high efficiency of using the method in occupational medicine to increase intellectual performance, which allows us to talk about the information-hygienic effect of the method of bioacoustic correction. Innovative hardware methods of bioacoustic correction are used in the Clinic of bioacoustic correction on the basis of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the RAMS (St. Petersburg) for complex treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of a number of diseases, as well as in a number of other organizations.

Pages: 29-37
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Date of receipt: 25 февраля 2019 г.