350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Information Hygiene – a new direction of preventive medicine at the digital age
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-201904-03
UDC: 616.6

E.I. Denisov – Ph.D. (Techn), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Department for the Study of Hygienic Problems in Occupational Health, Research Institute of Occupational Health named after Academician N. F. Izmerov (Moscow)

E-mail: denisov28@yandex.ru


Problem statement: the country has embarked on a digitalization of the economy (DE), that is, its development based on information as the main factor of production. Artificial intelligence-based robots and autonomous systems are increasingly used in all areas of life. But they create a number of problems and require a hygienic assessment. Augmented and virtual reality systems used in production and in everyday life pose health risks to especially vulnerable groups and require special hygienic control.

Purpose: analysis of the essence of digitalization of the economy and society (in terms of establishing a paradigm of information hygiene), as well as the legal regulation of robotics, artificial intelligence systems (AI) and augmented and virtual reality as the basis of their hygienic regulation.

Results: From a hygienic point of view, the essence of the digitalization of the economy and society, as well as ethical problems and projects of legal regulation of the development and application of cyber-physical systems (CPS): robotization, AI systems, as well as augmented and virtual reality (AR-VR) are considered. It is noted that AI robots and systems, as creating risks (physical, chemical, mechanical, electrical, etc.) for human health, require a hygienic assessment. Particularly noteworthy are the AR-VR systems that pose specific risks to the health of the human operator and the population, especially vulnerable groups (adolescents, pregnant women, chronic patients, etc.). At the FSBI “NII MT” information loads (IL) were studied as a new hygienically significant physical factor. This creates the basis for research to determine the physical criteria for the hygienic assessment of IL - textual, audiovisual, and especially from AR-VR. Methodological materials and computer programs have been created to evaluate both the ID itself and the mental load from it; they are included in the Professional Risk digital library (http://medtrud.com/).

Practical significance: the necessity of developing specialized methods and criteria for assessing CPS based on the development of information hygiene and the regulation of hygiene requirements for them has been proved. They will be a new tool for introducing the Rospotrebnadzor professional risk assessment in the implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance for effective risk management and the development of innovations in the country.

Pages: 9-17
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Date of receipt: 25 февраля 2019 г.