Yu.I. Nechaev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Scientist of RF, Academician of RANS, Leading Research Scientist, the Main Scientific Employee of Scientific Research Institute of the High Technology Computer Technologies of the St.-Petersburg National Research University Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. International Expert in the Field of High-performance Computing and Intelligence Systems
The problem cognitive modeling is considered at functioning of the centre of urgent computing on the basis of the dynamic theory of catastrophe. Computer complex functioning is carried out in extreme situations with use neurо-dynamic systems. Behavior models are based on integration of intellectual technologies and high-performance computing. The practical application of the developed conceptual decisions is discussed with reference to interpretation of interaction of sea dynamic objects with an environment.
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- Nechaev Ju.I. Teoriya katastrof: sovremenny'j podxod pri prinyatii reshenij. SPb.: ArtE'kspress. 2011.
- Nechaev Ju.I. Nejronechetkaya sistema upravleniya vy'sokoproizvoditel'ny'mi vy'chisleniyami pri interpretaczii dinamiki slozhnogo ob''ekta na osnove teorii katastrof v srede «oblachnoj» modeli // Nejrokomp'yutery': razrabotka, primenenie. 2012. № 11. S. 14–22.
- Nechaev Ju.I. Topologiya nelinejny'x nestaczionarny'x sistem: teoriya i prilozheniya. SPb.: Art-E'kspress. 2015.
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- Nechaev Yu.I., Degtyarev A.B., Boukhanovsky A.V. Cognitive computer graphics in information interpolation in real time intelligence systems // Proc. of International conference «Computational Science-ICCS 2002». Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Part.1. Springer. 2002. P. 683–692.
- Urgent Computing Workshop 2007. Argonne National Lab, University of Chicago. April 25–26, 2007. [E'lektronny'j resurs]: <http://spruce.teragrid.org/workshop/urgent07.php>.