350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Representation of general behavior patterns for a multi-agent system with the aid of its macro parameters
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 51.77

L.S. Kuravsky – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Dean of Computer Science Faculty,  Moscow State University of Psychology and Education 

E-mail: l.s.kuravsky@gmail.com

S.I. Popkov Post-graduate Student, Computer Science Faculty,  Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

E-mail: rslw25@gmail.com


Under consideration is the method of probabilistic forecasting of macro parameters, representing general patterns of an applied multi-agent system behavior. This system introduces the game interaction between a set of agents and a target. The behavior dynamics of such a system is described by the Markov random process with discrete states and time and represented in the terms which are considered convenient for interpretation and practical control of macro parameters. The corresponding calculationsare based on common characteristics of the initial conditions. The probabilistic model of behavior of the system is generalized for the case of the mobile target and supplemented with formulas for the dynamical calculation of probabilistic distributions of the target defeat by the agents as well as the agents defeat by the target.

Pages: 13-25
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Date of receipt: 4 августа 2017 г.