350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The model of structuring a teaching text on the basis of technological approach
M.V. Voronov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Faculty of Information Technologies, Moscow State Psychology and Pedagogical University E-mail: mivoronov@yandex.ru
The problem of formalization of knowledge presented in verbal form is considered in the article. A specific object of consider-ation is the description of technologies (technological text). There are training materials, instructions, rules, etc. Technological texts are described verbally that leads to difficulties to use ICT .The target is set: to create a tool that provides the possibility of submitting the original text in its formalized representation. Technology text is a logically related set of operations. The logic of the text is established by its author, and it should to be kept. As a rule, every simple technological action might be described in one sentence. Such a sentence introduces a new object to be considered (Objects formalized representation has to be constructed). Or the sentence describes already entered object properties (Object description should be filled up with new features). Or the sentence describes the technological action (This action should be recorded as a special formalism). The solution of two first tasks is known. The article focuses on the formalization of an individual technological action. The main role in the description of the process of action belongs to the concept-action. This concept describes by frame. It\'s slot-names described by the type of relationship in which an action may be with actors. Slots values is actors actions (sirkonstanty) The article describes algorithms of formalization of subject concepts and concepts of action, as well as introduction and filling the respective frames.There are discussed the possibilities of practical application of structured descriptions of technologies.
Pages: 70-78


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