350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The using of existing handwriting techniques for writer identification
S.D. Kulik - Ph.Dr. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI» (Moscow). E-mail: sedmik@mail.ru D.A. Nikonets - Ph. Dr. (Eng.), Senior engineer-programmer, Company Informcontact Consulting CJSC (Moscow). E-mail: denis_n@mail.ru
Questioned document examination, particularly forensic handwriting examination, is one of the types of forensic human identifi-cation. One of the most frequent problems in handwriting expert practice is the task of handwritten text writer verification. Verifi-cation refers to the task when expert is presented with two handwritten samples and it is necessary to determine whether they were made by the same performer. The technique for verification of the writer of handwritten document, developed by our re-search group together with the experts of the Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is also represented. The major issues, solved during the development of this technique, are described. One of the current, but not solved problems in forensic handwriting examination is developing a software system for the writer identification (identification search). Identification refers to the task when handwritten sample is presented and it is neces-sary to determine by which of the known (contained in the database) writers this document is performed. Currently, handwriting technique for writer identification has not been implemented. In the presented paper the possibility to use an existing handwriting technique for writer verification for identification of the writer of the handwritten text, the problems and possible solutions, options for the modernization of existing and develop-ment of new handwriting techniques are discussed. The paper also concludes that for the development of the new handwriting techniques, statistical methods, which are more resistant to the dependence of the handwriting features, such as neural networks, must be used. The use of such statistical methods will improve the quality of decisions made by the handwriting techniques.
Pages: 64-70


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