350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The role of motor development in those in lower grades with violation auditory sensory system
O.A. Belova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Chair of Biology and Methods of Teaching, Ryazan State University S.A. Esenin named E-mail: belolga60@gmail.com
The article discusses the features of the development of motor function in younger students, deprived of hearing. The results of the effectiveness of the author's methodology for the development of the function body-oriented exercise and motor qualities in junior classes started in 2000. Education of children deprived of hearing, should be based on the development of Save the analyzer. The learning process should take place with the use of musical rhythms, contributing to the development of motor skills and body-oriented exercises. Maximum use of possible sensory channels that provide the perception and processing of information, particularly with reliance on individual strategy student. Reduced anxiety due to guided tours, removal of stress factors. Intensive development of the cerebellum through specially selected remedial developmental exercises...
Pages: 66-71


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