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Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Features of mental and emotional state at heart rate variability biofeedback in teachers with symptoms of unstable blood pressure
M.A. Ovsyankina - Lecturer, Arkhangelsk Pedagogical College (Arkhangelsk) E-mail: marinaovsyankina@mail.ru L.V. Poskotinova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Associated Professor, Head of Biorhythmology, Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Researches, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk) E-mail: liliya200572@mail.ru E.V. Krivonogova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Researches, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk) E-mail: elena200280@mail.ru
Correction of cardio-respiratory rate using biofeedback method provides a positive change of psycho-physiological state, which makes it possible to consider alternating cardio training with biofeedback as a method of psycho-physiological correction [1]. Taking place for many years the reform of the educational environment are directly related to the development of organizational stress, as they require from teachers permanent development of new activities, which could be one of the main causes of increased mental stress [2]. Increased emotional stress associated with the need for constant self-control, attention, and emotional arousal, is transformed into a burnout syndrome, which is possible to appreciate, involving heart rate variability data (HRV) [3]. Most often increased mental stress occurredat teachers over 45 years old or at primary school teachers [4]. For the prevention and correction of neuropsychiatric disorders requires a system of measures aimed at developing the adequacy of emotional response that helps to overcome neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms in teachers [5]. The results of examination of 55 teachers with symptoms of high blood pressure have been presented. Levels of mental stress, anxiety, asthenia, subdepression and social frustration [6, 7, 8] before and after 10 sessions of heart rate variability biofeedback have been determined [9]. Significant reduction of a mental stress, an anxiety, asthenia and social frustration have been revealed. Reducing anxiety is the most important as the prevention of psychosomatic disorders. The effectiveness of HRV biofeedback expressed more unidirectional dynamics of autonomic nervous and psycho-physiological parameters, while the blood pressure changes during the biofeedback training course had strongly pronounced individual character. This research was supported by RHSF grant №15-16-29004 - Psycho-physiological effectiveness criteria of non-pharmacological correction of cardiovascular dysfunctions in teachers?
Pages: 51-55


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