350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Network model of a complex technological process
E.V. Naidenov - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Technology, Smolensk Branch of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Smolensk) E-mail: nzettez@gmail.com L.L. Ljamets - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Technology, Smolensk Branch of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Smolensk) E-mail: lll190965@yandex.ru
A study of the concept of the technological process as the basis of the production process. The purpose of research is to obtain new scientific knowledge to solve the problems of automation and process optimization. An approach to describe the process from the point of transformation not only of information, but also on energy and matter that can occur not only during a certain time and in the given space. Architecture process been developed and selected control object - technological operation. The concept of an elementary process consisting of a set of manufacturing operations, as well as a complex process consisting of elementary composition. At the heart of any process is a technological method for determining the features of the interaction be-tween the process steps and the initial parameters of space and time. Known typical scheme of the technological process: serial, parallel and series-parallel execution of manufacturing operations. Proposed to use the network principle in the organization of schemes of interaction of technological operations. It was named as the network model of the process. Division levels named as layers. The network model has several advantages. First, it does not violate the parameters of technological method. In addition, manufacturing operations have cross feedback between the older order and his previous layer, which greatly facilitates the analysis of the behavior of the process and reduces the cost of processing time of cyclic (repeated) actions. The basis of the description of the power structure of the organization of the process put the knowledge of neural information networks. The known models of neural networks operate primarily on the transformation of information. At the same time, the existing transformations of energy and matter are abstracted. Interactions between neurons in neural networks of information can be a prototype for the development of the network model of the process. The network model of the process does not violate the known rules of the organization between components and layers of the neural network of the information model, and in fact expands it, adding information of the transformation of matter and energy in a certain space and time. In the proposed network model of the process is evident in compliance with all the rules describing the structure of the neural network. Thus, any complex and simple process can be view through the mechanisms of neural network description of information model. The network model allows to solve the problem of forecasting the intermediate states of the process and to determine their potential composition. The concept of co-product to describe the intermediate results of transformations in the process. Ob-viously, in any process and composition of the product determined by reaction byproduct input vectors of parameters, hereafter referred substrates. The transformation does not involve all substrates, but only those whose function inherent in the technological method. The paper describes the process of selecting the necessary settings using the vectors process operator - physical devices, performing real transformation process. An example of the process for the preparation of a tea beverage. Submitted by generalizing the network model of the elementary process.
Pages: 59-66


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