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Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics of morphofunctional and psychoemotional state of the organism of primary school students (8-10 years)
L.M. Semyenova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Chair «Normal and Pathological Physiology», Chuvash State University (Cheboksary). E-mail: Semyenova-LM@ya.ru
A developing organism of children is extremely flexible and sensitive to various environmental impacts. Attending school is a serious mental stress for a child influencing the course of adaptation of the students to teaching in the condition of intensification of the educational process.
The aim of the present work is a longitudinal study of influence of the level of intensity of study loads and different regime of teaching of primary school students (8-10 years) of the second and third forms on psycho-physiological state of the organism. Teaching of the students is carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) by the intensive program of teaching by L.G. Peterson. In the second form 27 students were taught with increased level of study loads in the early shift with prolonged day, but in the third form the students studied in the second shift. Having used the test of functional change index all the second-graders were assessed the functional capability of the circulatory system that is good and mechanisms of adaptation are stable. The functional state of the respiratory system of the most tested second formers (88.88%) on the results of spirometry - lung capacity is assessed as a middle level. A neuro-psychic stress and well-being assessment of the children was carried out using testing during the lesson. The assessment of vegetative index (VI) and autogenous norm and stress presence were carried out by means of Lüscher-s color test. In the course of educational activity the students with comfortable psychic condition composed 29.63% (in the first shift of studying) and 42.31% of students ? (in the second shift of studying); with intermediate psychic condition - 22.22% of students in the first shift of studying and 34.62% of them - in the second shift of studying; with uncomfortable psychic condition - 48.15% of students of the second form and 23.07% of students of the third form were revealed. The number of students (80.77%) studying in the second shift of training with value VI who were ready to realize strength in activity was increased in comparison with those who were studying in the first shift (66.67%).The decrease of amount of students (19.23%), studying in the second shift of training with value VI, who because of fatigue and tendency to saving and accumulating the strength in comparison with the first shift (33.33%) was registered. Regardless of teaching regime, the formation of stress occurs in most of the second graders (73.08%) and of the third-graders (68.0%) that conforms with the results received previously [1, 2]. Thus, we can consider that the main factor of unproductive tension increase and stress formation is not so much the teaching regime as the level and intensity of academic load.
Pages: 71-72
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