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Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Sociobiology and critique of adaptationism
R. Dawkins
V.P. Efroimson
evolutionary theory
S.J. Gould
R.C. Lewontin
E.O. Wilson
I.A. Kuzin - Post-graduate Student, Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Philosophy Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: ikuzin@gmail.com
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. That-s why biologization of the humanities and development of neurosciences and neurocomputing presupposes taking into account changes in evolutionary theory. Critique of adaptationism is an important part of the modern scientific critique of Darwinism. History of the critique of adaptationism is intertwined with history of sociobiology. This circumstance is embodied by the longstanding confrontation between evolutionary dissidents R.C. Lewontin an S.J. Gould on the one hand and sociobiologists E.O. Wilson and R. Dawkins on the other hand. Meanwhile Soviet Union had its own sociobiological project by V.P. Efroimson. This project was underdeveloped for political reasons. It-s merits were discussed mainly in the context of nature-nurture debate. Among Russian-speaking critique of adaptationism in sociobiology works of ethologist E.N. Panov are worth of special consideration.
Pages: 72-77
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