350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Assessing the level of children dental fear
I. F. Kovaleva - Dentist, Clinic sports medicine \"Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK)\" (Moscow). E-mail: irina_kovaleva@list.ru L. I. Larentcova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology MSMSU n.a. AI Evdokimov (Moscow). E-mail: lilareIntsova@mail.ru I. A. Dukhina - Ph.D. (Med.), Dentist UIA \"Balashikha dental clinic\" (Balashikha, Moscow region) E-mail:d-inessa@ya.ru Yu. L. Dugina - Ph.D. (Med.), Head of the Department of preclinical studies, NPF \"Materia Medica Holding\" (Moscow). E-mail: duginaul@materiamedica.ru
Used clinical method of survey which included a survey, observation of the behavior of the children. To assess the emotional state of schoolchildren used scale MCDAS. From the number of the surveyed identify group of children (65 people) in a state of fear and terror in the age of 15...18 years, from them 9% in the light degree, 32% in the temperate and 59% in a marked degree. The quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the preparations carried out by the method of sensometry with the aid of:\"Sensoest\". Set the degree of efficiency of combined application tenoten-child of 2 + 2 pills (APF \"Materia Medica Holding\") with the solution Ultracaini DS forte 1 : 200000. This combination both increases tolerance to pain (typical for tenoten) and increases the thresholds of tactile and pain sensitivity (typical for anesthetics). Comprehensive pain management allows you to reduce the dose of local anesthetic in to times and it can be recommended for wide application at the children-s outpatient dental admission.
Pages: 30-34


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