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Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Electroencephalographic evaluation of adaptation opportunities of the longlivers in Lerik region of Azerbaijan
Е. O. Bayramova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Physiology A.I. Karaev, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences
In this paper, using modern method of the computerized analysis of bioelectric activity of the brain, functional status and adaptive opportunities of the brain in longlivers of Lerik region of Azerbaijan is studied. The study involved healthy longlivers at the age of above 90 years. Quantitative characteristics of EEG - the spectral power, frequency, amplitude and indexes of rhythms are analyzed. It is found out that at longlivers, living in the Lerik region of Azerbaijan in relaxed conditions the structure of EEG was characterized with local prevalence of a slow delta rhythm in the lobe and a high-frequency beta-rhythm in temporal brain areas, and with the dominance of alpha activity as well. It is supposed that the revealed characteristics of EEG are an indicator of development of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms which can be related with involvement of resources to support vigorous activity of the brain, exposed to physiological age-related changes.
Pages: 12-16
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