350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Application of fuzzy logic for studying results control, specified in the competence format
Е. L. Kon - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: kel@at.pstu.ru V. I. Freyman - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: vfrey@mail.ru А. А. Yuzhakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: uz@at.pstu.ru
Modern science is characterized by diversification of methods for solving complex problems in the related fields of science, engineering and technology. This allows to find a nontrivial solution of actual problems that are more effective than the known approaches. For example, when solving a some problems in the social and economic systems are used such «non-classical» for these areas science directions as theory of information, theory of automatic control, technical diagnostic, theory of probability, queuing systems, the unit fuzzy logic, principles of neural networks, etc. The main problem is to adapt the concepts, terminology, theory and algorithms of «new» methods to the new objects and processes in order to find more effective solutions. This paper proposes approaches to the problems of learning results control, specified in the competency format, using the mathematical apparatus and methods of fuzzy logic. This is explained by the fact that fuzzy logic has been applied to solve problems for which there is no or difficult using mathematical description of objects. Objects management and control within the education system fall under this description because it has a «human factor». There are also many non-deterministic interrelated parameters, which take into account the correct mathematical model impossible. The paper introduced the basic definitions of fuzzy logic applied to the problem stated above, in particular - the decoding of the test results (testing) the development level of one or more competencies elements. The notion of term-set id introduced and defined, membership functions for each term are constructed, given the values of the output linguistic variable. Rules of formulation for clear and fuzzy output for output linguistic variable with a specific value of the universe are pproposed. With using methods of fuzzy output is proposed to enable an uncertainty arising during the decoding of control results, with next transformation and making a clear output. It will be able, in particular, to give a necessary information about control results, which can be used for estimation, attestation, definition not mastered enough questions, formation a list of corrective events and other actions for management and control a studying quality. An offered approaches and algorithms plan to use in methodical, information and algorithmic support of automation system for management and control of studying quality. This system is in the designing stage at the Perm national research polytechnical university
Pages: 20-25


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