350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
About an approximate solution of a production-logical equation on a Boolean lattice
I.Yu. Ivanov - Magistrand, Applied and System Software Department, Voronezh State University. E-mail: hour1scorp@gmail.com
A boolean lattice with a production-logical relation defined on it (LP-structure) is an effective mathematical model which allows to study intelligent production systems at an abstract level. In this paper the class of production logical equations on a finite LP-strucutre is introduced and examined. These equations may be used to optimize backward inference in systems that use a full set of logical connections of a propositional language in its productions. The concepts of a canonical relation on a boolean lattice and a structural layering of such relation are introduced to represent an initial lattice relation as a set of directed graphs. The method of an approximate solution finding of a production-logical equation based on relation layer directed graph nodes traversal is proposed.
Pages: 53-63

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