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Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The solution of the-multicriteria task of choice of the test task in the decision support system
P.N. Dumin - Post-graduate Student, Information Technology Faculty, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. E-mail: dumin.pn@gmail.com
Presented the application of the method for solving multi-criteria task selecting the preferred test in the decision support system for teacher testing. The calculation in this case is produced by a method PROMETHEE. Probability of staying in various states of the Markov model described by the system of differential equations of Kolmogorov. For each diagnosed group and for each test contained in the system, it is necessary to create a model that reflects the dynamics of the test subject. Next, using the Bayesian approach is necessary to calculate the probability of inclusion of the test to each diagnosed class. Using such estimates as the input data to solve the problem of constructing a sequence of tests ranged. Application of this method is due to the flexibility of the implementation, as well as the opportunity to build as a result close to the optimal sequence of passing the tests.
Pages: 47-51

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