350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The neural network methods use in automated systems of scientific researches of high and critical technologies in engine-building manufacturing
S.G. Selivanov, S.N. Poezjalova
In this work it is offered to use modern methods of a science for system engineering designing «high» and «critical technologies». The automated system of scientific researches of high and critical technologies (ASSR-HCT) for the decision of the given problem by means of functional modelling, application of the artificial intelligence means and other means of system engineering in aircraft engineering is developed. The method of a choice of high central technologies from «a kernel of decisions» uniform technology of new generation aviation engines with which help it is possible to define lists of high, critical technologies, and also «a kernel of decisions» on the multiple network count for formation of the uniform technologies necessary for creation gas-turbine engines is developed. The developed method differs that allows to allocate a number of the most perspective technologies for performance on their basis of skilled-technological works, workings out of preliminary projects of the technological documentation and technological maintenance of new design decisions in innovative projects of gas-turbine engines, optimization of directive technological processes. The method multi-objective optimization design and directive technological processes in the ASSR-HCT with use of an artificial neural network and a method of fuzzy logic which allows to develop design and directive technological processes for new gas-turbine engines statement on manufacture and facilitates work of the technologist at maintenance of competitiveness of product is developed.
Pages: 22-25

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  4. Selivanov S.G., Poezzhalova S.N. Metod matematicheskogo modelirovanija i strukturnojj optimizacii edinykh tekhnologijj v innovacionnykh proektakh // Vestnik UGATU. 2009. T. 12. № 2 (31). S. 93-102.
  5. Selivanov S.G., Poezzhalova S.N., Borodkina O.A., Kuznecova K.S.Rekurrentnye seti i metody optimizacii proektnykh tekhnologicheskikh processov v ASTPP mashinostroitelnykh proizvodstv // Vestnik UGATU. 2011.T. 15. № 5(45). S. 36-46.