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Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Bulev factorial analysis by means of attractor neural network and its some appendices
A. A. Frolov, D. Gusek, P. Yu. Polyakov
The usual problem meeting at the analysis of great volumes of data, search of their adequate representation in space of smaller dimension is. One of the most effective methods used for it is the factorial analysis. In the present work we suppose to use as a method Bulean the factorial analysis attractor of the Hopfield neural network. Features of functioning of an offered neural network speak step by step an example Bulean the factorial analysis is artificial the created data file. Efficiency of a method in the appendix to the analysis of results of voting in the State Dumas of the Russian Federation and is shown to the analysis of clauses presented on the International conferences on neural networks.
Pages: 25-46
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