350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Comparison methods of diagnostics a syndrome endogenous intoxication at patients with chronic nephritic insufficiency
O. Yu. Belova, V. I. Gorbachenko, A. A. Solomakha
In the article presented taking about application of fuzzy method of diagnostics of syndrome of endogenous intoxication (SEI) at sick of the chronic nephritic insufficiency, being on a program out-patient hemodialysis. SEI remains to one of the most actual problems in structure of a modern somatic pathology. Authors consider fuzzy methods and principles of construction of fuzzy networks for diagnostics SEI. The fuzzy network on the given patients in an early stage of chronic nephritic insufficiency before optimization gives an error of 19,03 %, after optimization of 3,8 %, from them 1 error of the first sort. The offered optimization of weights of an fuzzy network has allowed reducing diagnostics error five times. Thus, processing of medical given patients chronic nephritic insufficiency in a terminal stage with presence SEI for the purpose of diagnostics improvement of quality is expedient for carrying out on a basis fuzzy method. Comparison methods of diagnostics a syndrome endogenous intoxication at patients with chronic nephritic insufficiency © Authors, 2010 O. Yu. Belova, V. I. Gorbachenko, A. A. Solomakha In the article presented taking about application of fuzzy method of diagnostics of syndrome of endogenous intoxication (SEI) at sick of the chronic nephritic insufficiency, being on a program out-patient hemodialysis. SEI remains to one of the most actual problems in structure of a modern somatic pathology. Authors consider fuzzy methods and principles of construction of fuzzy networks for diagnostics SEI. The fuzzy network on the given patients in an early stage of chronic nephritic insufficiency before optimization gives an error of 19,03 %, after optimization of 3,8 %, from them 1 error of the first sort. The offered optimization of weights of an fuzzy network has allowed reducing diagnostics error five times. Thus, processing of medical given patients chronic nephritic insufficiency in a terminal stage with presence SEI for the purpose of diagnostics improvement of quality is expedient for carrying out on a basis fuzzy method.
Pages: 16-20
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