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Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Neural Net-s Usage for Stationary Field-s Modelling
N.I. Korsunov, K.E. Burnaev, A.A. Yudin
The approach of modelling stationary physical fields by using cellular neural networks is considered. The basis of the field-s mathematical model is elliptic partial differential equation with nonlinear boundary conditions. Examples of the problem-s solving by the neuroemulator are given.
Cellular neural networks allow normalizing the stationary physical fields described by the partial differential equations, receiving results, comparable to the solutions base on widely used numerical methods with a small saving of time. Its application facilitates paralleling process of calculations at realization of algorithms on usual computer techniques and ideally approaches for realization of algorithms on neurocomputers
Pages: 44-56
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