Yu. V. Koltzov1
1 Nizhegorodskiy Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
1 koltzovyv@mail.ru
The article is dedicated to unique structures – metamaterials – fantastic opportunities which allowed experimentally identify the newest effects of their application.
Considered in detail the most interesting effects using metamaterials and manufactured devices based on them in a wide variety of environments (in air and water) and frequency ranges (electricity and sound, light and infrared radiation, etc.).
A large number of newest effects with a detailed description of their features allow us to talk about the widespread use of metamaterials in technology to replace traditional bulky and heavy devices with new flat, lightweight and miniature devices as well as the development of fundamentally new devices. Metamaterials are able to fine tune and control the propagation of electromagnetic, optical and acoustic waves, they have mechanical applications.
Consideration of the newest meta-effects makes it possible take a fresh look at the practical use of metamaterials as well as stimulates the emergence of more advanced technologies and new ideas for the use of metamaterials which, with a huge variety of possibilities, are able in practice, for example, to completely repeat the work of living organisms.
Experiments in recent years show that metamaterials can be configured in such a way that they begin to interact not only with light and thermal, X-ray or ultraviolet radiation but also with a magnetic field as well as generate curious quantum effects. The newest experiments create the basis for large-scale industrial production of various devices based on metamaterials.
Koltzov Yu.V. Important properties of metamaterials. Nanotechnology: development and applications – XXI century. 2024. V. 16.
№ 4. P. 52–69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j22250980-202404-06 (in Russian)
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