R.Sh. Zagidullin1, A.S. Chernikov2
1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
2 chernik@bmstu.ru
The paper considers the problems of designing and options for organizing remote laboratory works. The paper discusses the software products and technologies used for various stages of laboratory works and control of their execution. The article analyzes an example of the implementation of a remote laboratory workshop for students of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) with a mixed form of learning using technology that provides guaranteed access to resources for all participants of the workshop.
Goal – to implement all stages of conducting an on-campus engineering laboratory workshop for a group/stream of students remotely; to eliminate the system freezes and provide guaranteed access to users with the help of software tools.
In the LabVIEW environment, a remote laboratory workshop is implemented in a form that allows the instructor to control all the stages of conducting laboratory works. Using Windows command line tools, a technology has been developed to prevent access freezes.
The possibility of conducting a remote laboratory workshop and providing guaranteed access to unique equipment in a 24 x 7 format has been realized. The instructor can remotely control all the stages of laboratory works.
Zagidullin R.Sh., Chernikov A.S. Problems of organizing remote laboratory works. Nanotechnology: development and applications – XXI century. 2024. V. 16. № 1. P. 61–71. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j22250980-202401-05 (in Russian)
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