S.B. Klyuev1, V.A. Iovdalskiy2, V.V. Demshevsky3, V.P. Marin4
1–3 JSC “RPC “Istok” n.a. Shokin” (Fryazino, Moscow Region, Russia)
4 MIREA – Russian Technological University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 klyuev194@mail.ru, 2 teh.buro208@gmail.com
A symmetric slot line, like other types of lines based on it, are the basic transmission lines in designing various circuits, nodes, units, etc., as well as in constructing patch antennas, phased arrays and active electronically scanned arrays based on them. The basic version of the symmetric slot line is characterized by a high value of wave resistance, which limits its wide application in circuits of microwave devices, and low insertion losses. The expansion of its application is possible to improve the electrical characteristics, associated with a change in the design of the line.
The electric characteristics of symmetric slot line are improved by upgrading its design. The prospects of using slot lines in multilayer structures for radio electronic equipment of different purposes, created on their basic elements, are substantiated, their application in the design of hybrid microwave integrated circuits, patch antennas are determined, S-parameters and wave resistance of the studied waveguide structure are specified.
A mathematical model of a slot line with the shift of the slot center was developed using the finite element method, and the best position of the slot in this waveguide structure was chosen. By the calculated numerical method of finite elements, dependences of S-parameters in 5.0–14.0 GHz frequency band, characteristics of various versions of transmission lines were obtained: a symmetric slot line and a slot line with a slot center shift. A sample of a slot line with a slot center shift was made and its characteristics were experimentally investigated. A comparative evaluation of the calculation and the obtained experimental data of the main electrodynamic characteristics of the slot line with a slot center shift was made, as a result of which the practical identity of solving the electrodynamic problem for this line was established both numerically and in a practical way. The obtained results confirm the expediency of using a slot line with a slot center shift as basic elements, for example, in integrated circuits, devices and other microwave components, as well as in patch antennas.
The obtained results of the research made it possible to create a multilayer transition based on two types of transmission lines, which will be used to create basic elements in the process of developing new designs of AESA receiving and transmitting modules with improved electrical and mass-dimensional characteristics, which will solve several important tasks of microwave and EHF technology: to increase the degree of miniaturization, electromagnetic compatibility, as well as efficiency and reliability in production of integrated circuit assemblies, etc.
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