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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №4 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
On the issue of choosing channels and frequency ranges of a multichannel multi-frequency medical radiothermograph
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j22250980-202304-01
UDC: 621.382

M.K. Sedankin1, A.G. Gudkov2, I.A. Sidorov3, V.Yu. Leushin4, S.V. Chizhikov5, Yu.V. Solov’ev6, R.V. Agandeev7, A.V. Khaustova8

1–7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
8 Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Moscow, Russia)
1 msedankin@yandex.ru, 2 profgudkov@gmail.com, 3 igorasidorov@yandex.ru, 4 ra3bu@yandex.ru, 5 chigikov95@mail.ru, 7 rom20001511@gmail.com, 8 KhaustovaAV@mpei.ru


The choice of channels and frequency ranges can significantly affect the effectiveness of measurement diagnostics and the efficiency of the radiothermograph in various medical tasks.

The purpose of the work is to determine the optimal design parameters for the operation of the radiothermograph in order to obtain the most accurate and reliable results.

The optimal choice of channels and frequency ranges depends on the specific medical tasks of the radiothermograph. For example, in some cases, it may be preferable to use high-frequency bands to more effectively detect pathology, while in other situations, low-frequency bands may be more preferable.

The data obtained make it possible to determine the optimal parameters for the operation of a multichannel multi-frequency radiothermograph for various medical tasks. This is of great importance for the practical application of the radiothermograph in various fields of medicine. Optimization of the operation and design of the radiothermograph will increase its efficiency and measurement accuracy, which in turn contributes to improving the quality of the data obtained and the results of medical imaging.

The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian science Foundation in the framework of agreement No. 19-19-00349-P in the theme: «A method and a multichannel multifrequency microwave radiometryon the basis of monolithic integrated circuits for finding the 3D distribution and dynamics of brightness temperature in the depths of the human body».

Pages: 5-19
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Date of receipt: 30.10.2023
Approved after review: 09.11.2023
Accepted for publication: 20.11.2023