V.Y. Leushin 1, M.K. Sedankin2, E.A. Konyukhova3, N.O. Sapozhnikov4, K.A. Garmazhanova5, S.V. Chizhikov6, V.S. Sinavchian7
1,2,6,7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
3–5 Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA) (Moscow, Russia)
For the application of microwave radiometry in various areas of medicine, it is necessary to understand the diagnostic capabilities of the method associated with the identification of a specific thermal anomaly (tumor, inflammation, vascular and structural pathology, etc.) of various localization, creating a local temperature increase. An important issue is the mathematical modeling of heat exchange processes in the human body in the presence of pathology based on the construction of a complete mathematical model of organ under study that takes into account the anatomical and thermophysical characteristics of biological tissues.
Purpose: substantiation of the need for mathematical modeling of heat exchange processes in various human organs in the presence of pathology to assess the possibility of using microwave radiometry in various fields of medicine.
The numerical solution of the heat and mass transfer equation for two organs (breast and prostate) in the form of a multilayer structure, taking into account the blood flow and heat release of a malignant tumor, is carried out. The results of calculations of physical temperature in biological tissues in the presence of a tumor are presented. Using the results of mathematical modeling makes it possible to improve the characteristics of medical antennas and radiothermographs.
The results of the conducted research can be used in the creation of multichannel multi-frequency radiothermographs that measure the brightness temperature of biological tissues at various depths, in scientific research when creating phantoms of biological tissues containing malignant neoplasms, as well as when verifying algorithms and programs for restoring 3D temperature fields in biological objects.
The obtained research results can be used in the design of a wide class of microwave radiothermographs used in medicine.
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