M.V. Polyakov1, A.V. Khoperskov2, A.G. Gudkov3, S.V. Chizhikov4
1,2 Volgograd State University (Volgograd, Russia)
3,4 BMSTU (Moscow, Russia)
The combined thermometry method is based on simultaneous measurement of the infrared radiation of the tissue surface and the intrinsic microwave radiation of the internal regions, which makes it possible to determine the brightness temperature. The latter is determined by the internal distribution of the thermodynamic temperature. Thus, the problem lies in the construction of mathematical models that should describe the electromagnetic and thermal fields inside the biological tissue, taking into account the realistic internal multicomponent structure of the biological tissue or organ. The main goal of the work is to develop a mathematical model for determining the brightness temperature in biological tissues in order to use it in medical tasks, such as the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with changes in tissue temperature. The paper provides an overview of the application of mathematical modeling of physical processes that determine the method of microwave radiothermometry (RTM) for measuring internal temperature in biological tissues. The results of computational experiments are discussed in detail in the appendix to the medical diagnosis of breast diseases. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to determine the brightness temperature in biological tissues with high accuracy and reliability. This opens up new possibilities for using this model in medical tasks, such as the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with changes in tissue temperature. The model can also be useful for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, especially in cases where temperature change is a key factor in treatment. In general, the developed model has great potential for use in medical practice and can significantly improve the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
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