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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Improving the efficiency of the reliability model of nanoelectronic devices based on GaAs/AlxGa(1-x) As-heterostructures with the transverse current transport within their VAC modeling
V.D. Shashurin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Instrumentation Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: schashurin@bmstu.ru N.A. Vetrova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: vetrova@bmstu.ru E.V. Kuimov - Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: ekjmo@mail.ru
Miniaturization and improving the technical characteristic is the main tends of development of modern radio-electronic devices (RED). Wherein requirements to increasing reliability remain unchanged. For solve these tasks facing modern RED using devices based on heterostructures and working on quantum effects is perspective. For example, using the resonant-tunneling diode (RTD) in nonlinear radio transmitter allows by control the shape of voltage-ampere characteristic (VAC) increase performance and provide given reliability level. Issues of practical methodology of providing reliability modern nanoelectronic devices based on GaAs/AlxGa(1-x)As-heterostructures with the transverse current transport devoted the number of paper in which noted the high model sensitive to accuracy one of most important modules of algorithm of control reliability indices such devices - the accuracy of VAC calculating. The main engineering problem in the development such devices of nanoelectronic and prediction their electric parameters is analysis different kinetic process in heterostructures (in general - in nanoobjects), which described by Schrodinger equation and related by contacts with macroscopic reservoirs. Different approaches to building \"a bridge between the world where laws are reversible, described by a Hamiltonian, and the world with its irreversible dissipative processes\" are developed. In this paper we analyzed the possibility of combined model of resonant-tunneling diode based on semi-classical and quantum-mechanical (wave functions formalism) approaches. For calculating current density through heterostructure widely using so called Tsu-Esaki formula, which allows reducing calculating current density to calculating transmission coefficient of heterostruction, what is required numerical solving Schrodinger equation. Exactly finding transmission coefficient is the main problem of modeling structures with transverse current transport, because this coefficient determinate electrical properties microscopic system, and therefore the entire device, which functioning based on quantum effects (resonant tunneling), described that transmission coefficient. In paper is analyzing two methods of transmission coefficient calculating: transfer matrix method and finite difference method - for increasing efficiency of the reliability model of nanoelectronc devices based on GaAs/AlxGa(1-x)As-heterostructures with the transverse current transport within their VAC modeling. Using finite difference approach allowed reducing time calculation in the tens of times. It can be concluded that for prediction reliability indices of devices based on GaAs/AlxGa(1-x)As-heterostructures it is advisable to use the finite differences method, because only for direct problem of assess of reliability indices such devices required to calculate their VAC with considering of time factor (degradation processes modeling) , and in solving of problem of providing given reliability level such devices the number of iterations to assess VAC of heterostructures increases by orders in connection with the necessity of choosing the optimal topology and chemical composition of the heterostructure. By using finite difference method it was possible to reduce this time without accuracy loss under the condition of convergence and stability of difference scheme. Specialty of band structure can have significance influence on resonant-tunneling diode working. In structure based on GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs in formation indirect-gap semiconductor barrier layers AlxGa1-xAs (for large values of the proportion of substitution with aluminum gallium atoms (0,4
Pages: 37-42


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