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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Development of sensor-actuator elements for hybrid-integrated laboratories-on-a-chip for biomedical analysis (part 2)
sensor elements
displacement actuators
impedimetric analysis
nanoporous anodic alumina
mi-crobiological analysis
image recognition
molecular bio recognition
peptide aptamers
Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: tmzimina@gmail.com
A.V. Soloviev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of MNE, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: alexei.v.soloviev@gmail.com
Yu.A. Gvozdev -Engineer, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical Universi-ty «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: yurygvozdev@gmail.com
N.O. Sitkov - Engineer, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: sitkov93@yandex.ru
V.E. Lemozerskii - Post-graduate Student, Department of MNE, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Pe-tersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: lme812@gmail.com
I.R. Ishberdin - Master in Science and Technology, Department of MNE, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: i.ishberdin@ya.ru
N.N. Kovalev - Post-graduate Student, Department of MNE, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Peters-burg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: furiousya42010@yandex.ru
K.A. Titenko - Post-graduate Student, Department of MNE, Center of Microtechnology and Diagnostics, St. Peters-burg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: KirillTitenko@yandex.ru
L.A. Kraeva - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of Laboratory of bacterial Respiratory infections, St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology . E-mail: lykraeva@yandex.ru
G.N. Hamdulaeva - Research Officer, St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology . E-mail: tsenevapasteur@yandex.ru
N.I. Mukhurov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, Belarus National Academy of Sciences (Minsk, Belarus). E-mail: n.mukhurov@ifanbel.bas-net.by
Part 2 of the article considers elements of laboratories-on-a-chip (LOC) as well as diagnostic devices implemented on the basis of this technology. Description of functional elements started in part 1, is completed by discussion of data on technological peculiarities of formation of nanoporous film incorporated in sandwich structure of growth module for analysis of microorganisms. Further, more complex structures and systems are considered. In order to accomplish a multiparametric analysis using LOC, the elements for sorting, address delivery of objects, and operations of displacement should be implemented. In such systems elements of Boolean logic could be used, if such structure is represented as a system of "liquid" demultiplexers. In this article a fragment of microfluidic system comprising 4 demultiplexers, separating a sample into 5 fraction is considered. Efficiency of medical diagnostic devices based on LOC technologies (pro exemplo: for microbiological LOC) depends on modules of acquisition, processing and aggregation of anonimised data, as well as systems for storage and safe access of medical personnel in order to diagnose, notification and consultation of patients. For this purpose a program-apparatus complex for monitoring, control and automation, including image recognition system is being developed for mobile medical devices (point-of-care). Examples of mobile diagnostic instruments based on the principles of molecular bio recognition, dynamic laser turbidimetry, nuclear magnetic resonance are presented.
Pages: 40-50
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