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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The interaction of polypyrrole nanostructured forms with viruses and cell cultures
E.O. Garina - Research Officer, Laboratory of Etiology and Epidemiology of Influenza, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow). E-mail: kattymos@mail.ru V.T. Ivanova - Dr. Sc. (Biology), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Etiology and Epidemilolgy of Influenza, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow). E-mail: valivanova1946@mail.ru N.N. Nosic - Dr.Sc. (Biology), the Head of the Laboratory of Virus Ontogenesis, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) N.G. Kondrashina - Ph. D. (Med.), Reading Researcher, Laboratory of Virus Ontogenesis, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) I.A. Suetina - Ph.D. (Med.), Readingresearcher, Labortory of Tissue Culture, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) L.I. Russu - Research Officer, Laboratory of Tissue Culture, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) M.V. Mezentseva - Dr. Sc. (Biology), the Head of the Laboratory of Tissue Culture, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) E.I. Burtseva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of the Laboratory of Etiology and Epidemilolgy of Influenza, FSBI - FSRCEM n.a. N.F. Gfvalei?, the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow) I.Yu. Sapurina - Dr. Sc. (Chemistry), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Anisotropic and Structured Polymer Systems, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds RAS (St.-Peterburg) Ya. Steiskal - Dr. Sc. (Chemistry), Head of the Laboratory of Conducting Polymers, Institute of Macromolecular chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic (Prague)
Thanks to nanotechnology, new materials, including on the basis of polymers, can be used in medicine as a therapeutic and prophylactic means to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, a part of which has a water transmission path. This paper presents the results of a study of the interaction between composite materials based on polypyrrole (nanotubes, granules with differences in surface structure, composites with silver). It was established the ability of these materials to remove from aqueous solutions the virus with agglutinated envelope proteins: the epidemic and the reference strains of influenza viruses A(H1N1), A(H3N2) and the poliovirus without envelope proteins - vaccine strain Sabin type 1. The declines of hemagglutinine titers of influenza viruses in solutions for culture and allantoic virus were from 4 to 128 times, for concentrated viruses from 8 to 512 times. The decline of infectious titer was (≥4.0 lgTCID50). Adsorption of viruses practically did not depend on their antigenic properties, temperature in range 4-37°C and contact time («virus+sorbent») in the range 15-60 min. The decline of infectious titer for poliovirus was ≤4.0 lgTCID50. The adsorption properties of polymers depended on the structure of sorbents and their surface, as well as the introduction of Ag atoms in material. The introduction of sorbents into the cells showed that gene expressions of interleukins IL-1β, IL-4, IL-12, IL-18, interferon IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ, IFN-λ1, IFN-λ2, IFN-λ3 were dif-ferent in cell lines (Chang Conjunctiva, Girardi heart, Liver Chang) depended on the type of cells and the structure of the sorbent.
Pages: 3-13


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