350 rub
Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The technology of modification of the superporous carbon material by the metal nanoclasters with electrophoretic method
V.V. Trofimov - Engineer, Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: Skyline34@nxt.ru
D.Yu. Kukushkin - Assistant, Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: Skyline34@nxt.ru
A. M. Vasil-ev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: vasal2@yandex.ru
V. V. Sleptsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: 08fraktal@inbox.ru
To create some objects, such as energy storage, medical test systems, it is necessary to place metal foils or metal particles in narrow channels or pores. Traditional methods, vacuum deposition, chemical vapor deposition is not always possible to obtain this type of coverage. The paper explores a method of forming a coating of silver nanoparticles produced in two stages. In the first step in distilled water by means of high-voltage discharge is formed nanoscale sol particles. In the second step, these particles are deposited on the porous carbon substrate. The studies determined modes of particle formation and controlled by electronic microscopie of the deposition process. It is shown that high voltage discharge generates two classes of particles. It is shown that the particles may form clusters of different shapes.
Described in the technology can be used both for producing nanoclusters metals and metal oxides, as well as for more complex appli-cations, such as diagnostic filters based on the effect of Raman scattering, which allows to determine the presence of organic compounds in trace concentrations.
Pages: 39-43
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