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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Perspectives of development of domestic electronics
S.S. Strelchenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Proffesor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch. E-mail: stas40@kaluga.ru
Modern achievements and predicted level in creation of great class of microelectronic, optical, quantum and nanoelectromechanical devices on the basis of nitride semiconductors of A3B5 compounds are considered. These materials possess direct zone transitions and provide overlapping of an optical range from 0,2 to 1,5 microns on «own» solid solutions and till 10-14 micron on the basis of solutions with classical A3B5 semiconductors. High drift speed and some other physical and chemical parameters define possibility of their application for creation of great group not optoelectronic devices. In article light-emitting diodes and lasers on the basis of nitride semiconductors are considered, first of all. It is shown that the decision of remaining physical, technical and technological problems will allow improving their operational parameters, to reach competitive economic indicators of production and by 2025 to leave on volume of production to 80 billion US dollars. Application of nitride semiconductors for microelectronics is stimulated with their potential possibilities in creation of powerful devices on the microwave a range to frequencies of 240 GHz. Already reached results widely are used at creation of devices with unique parameters for military systems. The predicted volume of production of this group of devices on the basis of nitrides will make by 2017 of 300 million US dollars. The big group of devices on the basis of nitrides only begins the development. These are detectors of ultra-violet radiation, sensors of various inorganic, organic and biological substances and micro- nano-electromechanical systems. Taking into account future role of nanotechnologies this area of nitrides devices not smaller rate of development, than area of optoelectronic devices, apparently, expects. In the conclusion possible ways of development these classes of electronics devices in Russia are discussed.
Pages: 26-31

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