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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Neural nano-physical nature of the distributed molecular-cellular nano-acceptor of result action - analitic neurosimulation
threshold waves
distributed nano-acceptor of action results
neurocomputer simulation
neural simulation
voltage-sensitive and chemo-sensitive channels
collective effects ephaptical influence
pre-refractory period
A. V. Savelyev
In this paper of the author's results of several years research on the detailed simulation of integral action of nano-processes of the nervous system at the cellular and molecular level is contained. It concerns of wave propagation of changes the excitability threshold of neuronal membranes in neural networks, and determine the nature of this phenomenon. Makes a number of reasoned assumptions about the possible connection of this phenomenon is the of acceptor result action of P.K. Anokhin at cellular and subcellular levels. The work is devoted to clarify a possible role of functional nanoscale dynamics of threshold waves.
Based on these data we has been suggested that the study facts ahead of the wave is a physical threshold material embodiment of sub-cellular nano-level manifestations of anticipatory reflection on P.K. Anokhin or I.S. Beritashvili's conteption is common to all living systems. Outstripping inhibition mechanism and, therefore, the dynamics of overcoming its outstripping excitation may be the most common mechanisms of action result acceptor (distributed nanoaktseptor result of an action). Study anticipatory action of ephaptical spike on adjacent fibers is absolute physical mechanism and does not require the ring structures, which are, in fact, quite rare in the nervous system and does not require additional training in the form of paired spikes conditioned reflexes return antidromic stimulation and etc. Such action is immanency with propagating spike and always constantly inherent in the form of propagating and its advancing threshold waves. It can be argued that spike propagation in a neuronal axon is a fundamental property of outstripping action without any narrowing of the common additional conditions. It reason is the difference between the velocities of propagation of the electromagnetic field and electrochemical spikes.
Pages: 14-19
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