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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Research of physical and mechanical properties facilitate thermal protection materials for space technology
O.N. Emelianova, A.N. Bolshakova, E.P. Kudryavtseva, О.А. Savvateeva, А.Е. Shumov
When the spacecraft launched into the desired orbit constructions of space rockets undergoes impinging gas-dynamic effects of high-speed flows with a sharp rise in temperature. To ensure efficient operation of the aircraft design for the boost phase when entering the atmosphere needed protection from aerodynamic heating temperature and conservation of the supporting structure below certain critical values. That end, on the large shell fairing, surface fairing, instrument compartments, and the side surfaces of launch vehicles is applied thermal barrier coatings (HRC). By thermal blankets that protects structures from aerodynamic heating special requirements for strength, elasticity, fracture toughness and lack of exfoliation of the surface structure. For solving these problems in this work we propose the creation of a new structure for the thermal protection on the basis of light mineral powders and fibrous materials and hybrid powder binder.This new structure eliminates the need for widely used at this time of organic polymer solutions and organic fillers, such as phenol-formaldehyde microspheres that allows us to go to the eco-friendly materials. The main objective of this work was to carry out comprehensive research of physical and mechanical characteristics of the experimental samples of the new thermal protection materials (TPM) for use in space technology. A complex physical and mechanical test, that determines the suitability of thermal barrier coatings to the specified operating conditions, including density tests, adhesion to the material of construction of the pull breaking stress compressive breaking strength, elongation at break. It is shown that the samples derived from environmentally friendly powder mixtures have a high adhesion to metals and alloys and carbon fiber at low density 330 - 440 kg/cm3 and fully comply with the requirements of the space industry on the strength characteristics.
Pages: 21-25
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