350 rub
Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Formation Polymeric Coating Basis of Oligomere КЧ - 0125 on the Surface of Aluminium and its Alloys by Autodeposition Method
S.S. Simunova
On the basis of made researches process of formation polymeric coating on the surface of aluminium and its alloys by autodeposition method shows the positive influence treatment oligomeric coating in the liquid of the mixture of oxalic and linoleric acids, and blending acryl copolymer in oligomeric composition on the polymeric coating quality, the reduction of temperature and time of thermo cure. The mechanism of course of physical and chemical processes of thermo cure polymeric coatings on the of aluminium and its alloys
Pages: 25-31
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