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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Reflective Properties of Fibonacci Multilayer Systems Based on Nanostructured Silicon
Grushina N.V., Zotov A.M., Korolenko P.V., Mishin A.Y.
Reflective characteristics of different Fibonacci multilayer systems based on nanostructured silicon have been calculated and compared. It has been shown that if the contrast of refractive indices of layers is high enough wide band reflection from multilayer system can be attained. Wide band reflection means that reflective index is high in a wide frequency range and in a wide incidence angle interval of radiation. In order to improve wide band reflection characteristics it has been offered to increase linearly in optical thickness of layers according to the suggested algorithm. It has been found out that reflected wave phase is very sensitive to small changes in thickness of layers in the wide band range. It indicates that Fibonacci multilayer systems can be used in designing high-performance phase modulator
Pages: 10-16
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